8 obvious, and less obvious signs that you’re creative

How to Recognize If You Have a Creative Mind?

Creativity is often associated with artistic skills like painting, writing, or music, but it encompasses much more than that. Creative minds are characterized by their ability to think outside the box, solve problems in unique ways, and see the world from different perspectives. If you’re wondering whether you have a creative mind, here are some signs to look out for. I started with the most obvious signs. Read on for the less obvious ones!

1. You Enjoy Problem-Solving

The Sign

You find joy in tackling challenges and coming up with innovative solutions. Whether it’s a complex puzzle, a tricky project at work, or a daily life problem, you approach it with enthusiasm and creativity.

Why It’s Creative

Problem-solving requires thinking beyond the obvious and finding novel ways to address issues. This ability to innovate and devise new strategies is a hallmark of a creative mind.

What to Do Next

Engage in activities that challenge your problem-solving skills, such as puzzles, strategic games, or coding challenges. These activities can further develop your creative thinking abilities.

2. You Have a Vivid Imagination

The Sign

You often find yourself daydreaming, imagining scenarios, and creating stories in your head. Your mind is a playground of ideas and possibilities. Your dreams are vivid.

Why It’s Creative

A vivid imagination is the foundation of creativity. The ability to envision things that don’t yet exist is crucial for innovation and creative expression.

What to Do Next

Channel your imagination into a creative outlet. Start writing stories, drawing, or even brainstorming business ideas. This can help you bring your imaginative thoughts to life and recognize your creative potential.

3. You See Patterns and Connections

The Sign

You frequently notice patterns, similarities, and connections between seemingly unrelated things. You have a knack for seeing the bigger picture and how things fit together. People around might not get it!

Why It’s Creative

Recognizing patterns and connections is essential for creativity. It allows you to combine different ideas in new ways and generate innovative solutions.

What to Do Next

Explore activities that require pattern recognition and abstract thinking, such as mathematics, music, or design. These pursuits will help you harness your ability to see connections and patterns creatively. It’s a muscle that you can strengthen!

4. You Thrive on New Experiences

The Sign

You love trying new things, whether it’s traveling to new places, experimenting with different cuisines, or picking up new hobbies. You are curious and open to change.

Why It’s Creative

Creativity thrives on novelty. New experiences provide fresh material for creative ideas and stimulate your mind in ways familiar routines can’t.

What to Do Next

Continue seeking out new experiences, but also try to add a creative twist. Take a cooking class, learn a new language, or start a photography project. These activities will not only satisfy your curiosity but also nurture your creative mind.

5. You Have a Unique Perspective

The Sign

You often find yourself thinking differently from those around you. You question conventional wisdom, suggest alternative approaches, and have unconventional opinions.

Why It’s Creative

Creativity involves seeing the world differently and offering fresh ideas. Your unique perspective allows you to innovate and contribute original thoughts that others might miss.

What to Do Next

Express your unique perspective through creative outlets. Start a blog, create art, or engage in discussions and debates. Sharing your viewpoints can help you recognize and cultivate your creative thinking.

Now that we covered the obvious signs, let’s move on to the less obvious ones…

6. You Feel Stuck in Life and Relationships

The Sign

You feel as if you’re not moving forward in your life or relationships. There’s a sense of stagnation, and you may feel trapped in your current situation.

Why It means you're Creative

Feeling stuck can indicate that your creative energy is being stifled. Creativity often involves growth and movement, so when you’re unable to express it, it can manifest as a feeling of being stuck.

What to Do Next

Engage in self-reflection and identify areas where you can introduce change. This might include starting a new hobby, seeking new social connections, or making small changes in your daily routine to stimulate your creativity. Sounds obvious... true. So do it!

7. You Feel Physically Heavy and Energy Doesn’t Flow

The Sign

You experience a physical sensation of heaviness, and your energy levels are consistently low. You might also experience constipation (trust me, I get it LOL), indicating a lack of flow in your body.

Why it means you're Creative

Physical symptoms can be a manifestation of blocked creative energy. When creativity is not expressed, it can lead to physical stagnation and a feeling of heaviness.

What to Do Next

Incorporate physical activities that promote energy flow, such as yoga, dancing, or tai chi. These activities can help release physical tension and unblock your creative energy.

8. Your Emotions Feel Stuck and Suddenly Come Out Strongly

The Sign

You have difficulty processing your emotions, leading to sudden and intense emotional outbursts. Your emotions may feel bottled up and then explode unexpectedly.

Why it means you're Creative

Creativity is closely linked to emotional expression. When emotions are not regularly expressed through creative outlets, they can build up and cause intense reactions.

What to Do Next

Find creative ways to express your emotions, such as through journaling, painting, or music. Regularly engaging in these activities can help you process your emotions more effectively and prevent sudden outbursts. Speak your truth with people. Stop shying away from who you are.

Recognizing your creative potential is the first step toward fully embracing and nurturing it. If some of the above resonates, or all of it, you likely have a creative mind. By engaging in activities that stimulate your creativity, you can unlock your hidden potential and start seeing the world through a more innovative lens. Like is actually way more fun when you connect with your creativity.

Call to Action

If these signs resonate with you, it's time to embrace your creative side. Try new activities, explore creative outlets, and connect with others who share your curiosity and imagination. Reach out to me and let's work on this.

Now let’s connect on Instagram!


Journaling for artists