Why Creative People Need to Be Connected with Their Bodies: 5 Tips to Get into the Flow

Creative individuals often find themselves living in their heads, continuously brainstorming and envisioning new ideas. However, in my opinion, creative people sometimes forget that they are kinaesthetic learners who thrive on physical activity and movement.

Engaging the body is crucial for accessing a state of flow, where creativity flourishes effortlessly. Here’s why connecting with your body is essential for creative minds and five tips on how to do it.

The Connection Between Creativity and the Body

The Importance of Kinesthetic Engagement

Creative people often possess a strong kinesthetic intelligence, meaning they learn and express themselves best through physical activity. Movement can unlock new ways of thinking and problem-solving that aren’t accessible through purely intellectual efforts.

Switching Off the Rational Mind

To enter a flow state, where creativity can thrive, it’s necessary to switch off the overly rational, conscious mind. Physical activities help quiet the mind and tap into more intuitive, spontaneous forms of creativity.

Art and Physicality

Traditionally, artistic pursuits inherently involve the body, whether it’s the hands of a painter, the movements of a dancer, or the gestures of a sculptor. Personally, when I paint, I particularly enjoy creating a big mess of paint of neon colours. Engaging physically with art allows creative individuals to fully express and explore their ideas.

5 Tips to Connect with Your Body and Enhance Creativity

1. Practice Mindful Movement

Why It Helps

Mindful movement practices, such as yoga or tai chi, encourage a deep connection between mind and body. These activities help quiet the mind and focus attention on the present moment, facilitating a state of flow.

How to Do It

- Start with simple stretches or yoga poses: Focus on your breath and how your body feels in each movement. I looooove stretching. I find my mind goes in all directions and none at the same time when I stretch.

- Paint many canvas at the same time: it allows you to move around the space, and move the paint at the same time.

2. Engage in Regular Physical Exercise

Why It Helps

This one is pretty obvious... physical exercise releases endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress. This creates a more conducive mental environment for creativity to thrive.

How to Do It

- Find an exercise you enjoy: Whether it’s running, cycling, swimming, or dancing, choose something that makes you feel good.

- Set a regular schedule: Consistency is key to reaping the mental and physical benefits of exercise. It works for me, and it will work for you if you stick to it.

3. Use Art as a Physical Practice

Why It Helps

Engaging in art with a focus on the physical process rather than the end result can help tap into a state of flow and unlock new creative ideas.

How to Do It

- Experiment with different mediums: Try painting, sculpting, or pottery to find a form of art that feels physically engaging.

- Focus on the process: Allow yourself to get lost in the physical act of creating, rather than worrying about the final product.

4. Incorporate Dance and Movement

Why It Helps

Dance and movement allow for the free expression of emotions and ideas through the body, bypassing the rational mind and accessing more intuitive creativity. Better done with loud music!

How to Do It

- Take a dance class: Join a local dance studio or online class to learn new styles and techniques.

- Dance freely at home: My favourite -- Put on your favorite music and let your body move naturally. The goal is to enjoy the movement and expression.

5. Practice Embodied Meditation

Why It Helps

Embodied meditation techniques, such as body scans or walking meditations, help deepen the connection between mind and body, promoting relaxation and creative flow.

How to Do It

- Try a body scan meditation/yoga Nidra: Focus your attention on different parts of your body, noticing any sensations without judgment.

- Practice walking meditation: Walk slowly and mindfully, paying attention to the sensation of your feet touching the ground and the movement of your body.


Connecting with your body is essential for unlocking your full creative potential. By incorporating all of the above, you can switch off your rational mind and access a deeper, more intuitive state of flow. These practices not only enhance your creativity but also contribute to overall well-being and balance. It's a must!

Call to Action

As a coach, artist, and former dancer, I organize small group mini-retreats both online and in-person to help creative individuals connect with their bodies and unlock their full potential. I also offer one-on-one and small group coaching sessions tailored to your unique needs. If you’re interested in learning more, visit my contact page. Let's work together to fully express and embody your creativity.

Also, let’s connect on Instagram!


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