Set your creativity free

Let go of perfection!

Creating things, like art, writing, or solving problems, can be a lot of fun. But often, we put pressure on ourselves to make things perfect. This can take away the joy and imagination that comes with creating. I share about how I deal with expectations in this article. We can feel good about making things, even if they're not perfect.

It’s better to do something bad or basic than nothing at all.

Getting Rid of Expectations

When I create, not everything I make will be amazing. And that's okay! Just like planting seeds, some will grow into beautiful plants, and others might not. I constantly remind myself that it's alright to make things that aren't perfect. It's all part of learning and getting better. From my experience, when I let go of these high expectations, I enjoy the process MUCH more. I get to explore and try new things without worrying too much about the end result.

Remember When You Were Curious

Think back to when you were a kid. You probably loved to draw, paint, or play without worrying about how good you were. Kids are curious and just want to have fun. We can bring back that feeling. So instead of being serious, I try to be curious and playful when I create. For instance, I like to be a little messy with my paint. I don’t want to be too precious and my gestures to be too controlled. Being a bit messy helps me let go, and I feel more in the moment because I am being a little silly. This massively helps me enjoy the process and come up with new ideas.

Switch Off your Inner Critic Voice

This point is significant. I've dedicated another entire post to it because, in my opinion, it holds immense importance. Essentially, in my opinion, as long as you criticise yourself while you're in the creative process, you won't be able to let go and truly tap into your creativity. You'll remain in a very cerebral state, which is controlled, rigid, and serious. It's essentially the opposite of what true creativity embodies. For more on this topic, please refer to my other post.

In the world of creating, imperfections add character and originality. So, drop the idea of perfection! Dance with creativity, and embrace the joy of making things with our own touch.

Some of my creations... a lot of what I create is just doodling. It helps my creative flow.


How I Stay Creative Even with a Busy Job