How I Stay Creative Even with a Busy Job

Life can get super busy, especially with a job that takes up a lot of my time. But I've found ways to keep my creative side alive and well.

Let me share my secrets with you!

1. Making Time Every Day, Even Just a Little

I do something creative every single day, even if it's just for 5 minutes. It could be painting, dancing, or writing. Even this small bit of time makes a big difference. It's like giving my creative brain a little snack to keep it going.

2. Trying Different Creative Things

I love to paint, but some days, it feels a bit too serious. So, I mix it up! If I don't feel like painting, I might dance around or write something. Changing what I do keeps me excited and helps me stay creative. What is important here is to create without the pressure of the outcome.

3. Finding Quiet Moments

Sometimes, I need a break from the busy stuff. I CREATE moments in my day that I keep clear. These moments help me relax and think, and most importantly, FEEL. I might take a walk in the park or just look out the window. It's in these peaceful times that I come up with cool ideas. This requires to stop checking the phone every 2 minutes ;-)

4. Moving My Body to Feel Creative

Moving my body helps my brain feel more creative. I exercise by jogging, doing yoga, or dancing. When my body moves, my mind starts to think up new and creative things. It's like a magic trick that makes my brain work better. I think this happens because when I move my brain sort of switch off, and my subconscious mind takes over. The best.

So, even when work gets crazy, I still find ways to keep my creative juices flowing. Doing something creative every day, trying different things, finding quiet moments, and moving my body – these are my secrets to staying creative, no matter how busy life gets. And guess what? You can do it too! All you need is a bit of time and a dash of determination.


How to create everyday


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