Maximising Instagram for Creative Motivation

Instagram can be a powerful tool to boost your creative drive and stay motivated. However, using it wisely and avoiding the toxic side of it is key.

Here's how I leverage Instagram positively and maintain a healthy relationship with it:

Set Ground Rules: To prevent mindless scrolling, I've set some ground rules for myself. I avoid checking Instagram during the first and last 2 hours of my day, and I never browse in bed or when with people (it's just not polite). I also don’t check Instagram all the time. I have loose rules for myself. Like a couple of times a day. This prevents me from overthinking it and it keeps it as a side tool. It feels like a little treat to open it because it is not that frequent for me.

Use Instagram as an art journal: This is the most important in my eyes. I use Instagram in a way that works for me — as a personal creative journal where I post daily what I am working on, good or bad! Posting daily has become a ritual I am excited about. It's a slice of creativity built into my routine. I keep it relaxed and post what I feel like: some days I only post simple stories, e.g. just one photo of a doodle I did for instance, or I create elaborate reels showcasing my painting process. To be honest, I don’t care that much what people think because the act of posting was useful for me.

Share Meaningful Moments: Occasionally, I share my morning coffee and journaling sessions in my Stories. These moments hold significance for my creativity and offer insights into my process. I like the idea of celebrating the good moments in life. However, again, it has to stay real. I am not shy about sharing my failures or when I am having a bad day.

I am no Instagram Guru, and I have a small account. But I think Instagram can be a valuable motivation tool for creatives when used purposefully. I hope this little list was helpful.

Let’s connect on Instagram!


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