How to create everyday

Consistency is key when it comes to creativity. As an artist, coach, and creative entrepreneur, I've found that creating something every day is a powerful force for growth and inspiration.

Let me take you through the importance of prioritising daily creative moments and share the concrete steps I take to keep this practice.

I always keep my painting brushes in a very visible spot so

it’s tempting to start using them!

  1. Making Time and Space: To keep up with consistent creative output, I set aside a sacred time every day for my artistic ventures. My creative space is the absolute priority at the moment. I often find myself having to say no to social events, and that's okay!

  2. Tools at Arm's Reach: Having my tools within reach has transformed my creative process. When my paints, brushes, and canvases are right there, I find myself naturally diving into my artistic endeavors. If you're a writer, always have your notebook or laptop handy. Basically my living room has become my “atelier”!

  3. Embracing Imperfection: I’ve expressed that in my previous blog post — not every creative session will turn into a masterpiece. This realisation has liberated me to experiment and embrace imperfections. It's given me the freedom to explore new ideas without the fear of failure. Most of the time, I don't really care what the result will look like. It's about finding pleasure in the moment. Nothing good will come if you keep thinking of the outcome.

  4. Starting Small: If producing something substantial every day feels daunting, I start with small, attainable goals like a quick sketch, a few sentences, or a color study. These small steps lay the foundation for bigger projects and keep my creative engine going. Some days, I just do a line with a pencil on my notebook. It still gets me in the mood, and I practice to “let go” even for a minute.

  5. Capturing Inspiration: Inspiration can strike at unexpected times, so I keep a journal or note-taking app at my side, ready to capture fleeting ideas, sketches. I also take lots of photos with my phone. I know that these fragments can evolve into fully-realised artworks or pieces of writing.

  6. Instagram Approach: On Instagram, I follow inspiring artists and I post daily as a personal challenge. This routine fuels my creativity and pushes me to generate fresh content consistently. I keep things simple, but I post something every day. More on that in a future post.

  7. Celebrating Small Wins: I've learned to appreciate and celebrate my achievements, no matter how modest they may seem. Completing a small project or mastering a new technique grows my confidence to keep pushing forward.

Prioritising daily creative moments has become my compass for personal growth and artistic evolution. These moments contribute to my journey of self-expression and exploration.

Through making time and space, embracing imperfection, and surrounding myself with inspiring tools, I've built a strong foundation for a fulfilling creative practice. Join me on this journey—let's let our creativity flourish, one day at a time.


Maximising Instagram for Creative Motivation


How I Stay Creative Even with a Busy Job